Thank you Dr. Grey

Tomorrow night I will be live tweeting to the newest episode of “Grey’s Anatomy'' airing at 9 p.m. EST. It is hard to believe that this show has 17 seasons! Can you name another TV drama that has lasted that long? Boy have we gone through a roller coaster of emotions with this one. We’ve seen characters die tragically, suddenly, somewhat horrifically, and in heartbreaking ways. We’ve seen actors and their characters come and go. And we’ve watched individuals grow as doctors and as people. Dr. Meredith Grey, the main character of the show, was a legacy doctor in her mother’s shadow. She threw up after treating a patient for the first time and got lost in the hospital! Now she’s an award winning Chief of general surgery, a mother, and a strong leader.

This show was born only four years after me. It’s crazy that it is nearly the length of my lifetime! While I only started watching it seven years ago- that is when I was the apparent appropriate age to view the content according to my mother (not my father)- I feel like I have been watching it forever. Oddly enough, I am grateful to the show. Some people get very emotional about how much they love a show, how it changed their life, or brought them out of a dark place, but I’m grateful to “Grey’s Anatomy” because it brought me closer to my mom and was the footwork for building an actual relationship with her. I hardly got to spend time with my parents growing up. They are both hard workers, but especially my mom. She is a leader in Honda Motor Company, Ltd. and has climbed her way up the management ladder. I have always looked up to her, but didn’t get to know her all too well until this show. We finally had something to talk about and a way to relate to each other. I see a lot of my mom in Dr. Grey’s character- two confident, powerful women who always do their best work in their career, their family, and their relationships. I hope I can do the same someday. So to Dr. Grey, I’d like to say thank you; for a strong relationship with my mother, for an example of who I can be as a woman, and for entertainment most Thursday nights. 

Looking forward to season 18!


  1. Hi! I absolutely LOVE Grey's Anatomy. I actually just finished watching last weeks episode and it never fails to make me cry. As much as I hate to say it, I think it needs to end soon. I feel they are dragging it out a little too much but its not like I'm going to stop watching because I am hooked until the very end. I love how you relate Dr. Grey to your mom because some people would only think to do that if their parent was a surgeon but that does not have to be the only thing to relate to. She sounds like a great person and I am excited to read more of your posts!
    -Megan Allen


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